Present:  Ron Braun, Ritvars Bregzis, George Dubauskas, Louis Gris, Merle Hudson, Peter Keefe, John Meijer, Pat Reavy, Bill Roberts


Regrets:  Ed Gaigalas, Frances Labelle, Nick Singh, Sybil Wilkinson


Guests:   Sheryl Crompton, Swansea Town Hall

    Councillor Saundercook attended the meeting from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


1.         Call To Order and Declaration Of Conflicts Of Interest: No conflicts were declared and the meeting was called to order.


2.         Approval of Agenda: The agenda as amended was approved.


3          Minutes of Meeting of January 18, 2005: The minutes were approved upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by John Meijer and carried.


4          Membership Report: Louis Gris presented the Membership Report as of February 15, 2005.




JANUARY 15, 2005


Senior Single                @$11.00  x 11        =        $110.00

Senior Family               @$12.00  x 17        =          204.00

Family             @$14.00  x   7        =            98.00

Business          @$20.00  x   3        =            60.00


                                    Total            38                   $472.00


                                    Donation                             $  20.00



The Report was approved upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by GeorgeDubauskas and carried.


5.          Fundraising Report: Louis Gris reported that one of the cheques received for the November fundraiser had been NSF but that the donor intended to replace it. Otherwise, nothing had changed in the total raised.


6.         Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Expenses:  John Meijer presented the Treasurer’s report as of February 15, 2005.






AS OF FEB, 2005

(prepared FEB 14, 2005)



BMO Business Investment Account  

BEGINNING BALANCE                                        481.02        Jan 18

less: bounced chq 32+5)                                            37.00           Jan 11

plus: transfer from chequing                                        330.00         Jan 19

plus: memberships                                                        26.00         Jan 25

less: cheques-J. Meijer                                                 72.64         Jan 26

less: cheques-L. Gris                                                  616.24         Jan 26

ENDING BALANCE                                                 81.15         Feb15



ING Business Investment Savings Account              

BEGINNING BALANCE                                      5395.14        Jan  18

Less: transfer to chequing                                           300.00         Jan 19

plus: Jan interest                                                             9.84         Jan 31

ENDING BALANCE                                            5,395.14         Jan 18


Petty Cash                                                                     1.12



TOTAL                                                               $ 5187.25



           Fund-raiser   2000                                $1,150.00

2001                    1,122.00

2002                    1,235.00

2003                       871.00

2004                       584.00

Membership Secretary Float      $50.00



Upon motion made by John Meijer, seconded by Bill Roberts and carried, the treasurer’s report was approved.


7.         2005 Annual General Meeting:  Louis Gris will contact Sarmite  Bulte’s office to determine her availability on May 19th, 26th or June 2nd. Once a date has been confirmed, he will book time at the Town Hall for the meeting.


Councillor Saundercook asked if all members would be invited to the AGM. Louis Gris told him that they would be.


8.         Meeting with Councillor: Councillor Saundercook indicated that he would not be available to meet with SARA on March 14th as originally scheduled. Louis Gris will contact his office and reschedule.


9.         Community Involvement in Processes and Practices of City – Letter to Mayor: Ritvars Bregzis noted that the City’s November 22, 2004 report does not respond to or address the numerous, specific points raised in SARA’s submission to the Mayor. It was agreed that if SARA does not received a detailed response to this letter, then steps should be taken to tabled it as an item to either the Transportation or Administration Committee.


10.       Bloor West Village Vision Study:  The next meeting is scheduled for 8:30 a.m., Fri 18th  Feb.


11.       Land Use Items:


(a)        286 Ellis Avenue:  Louis Gris reported that he has not yet gotten the results of the mediation that took place with respect to the OMB appeal of the Committee of Adjustment decision on this matter. Loius will follow up on this matter and attempt to get a copy of the mediation agreement for its files.


(b)               258 Windermere: Nothing new to report..


(c)                100 Durie:  This site was scheduled for the November, 2004 Committee of Adjustment but was deferred. SARA met with the owner who shared the plans. The GFA is still .74, however the owner may no longer be requesting other variances.


(d)               118 Beresford Avenue:  Louis Gris met with the owner to review their plans prior to going back to the Committee of Adjustment. The neighbours are still opposed to the submission. The owner may be willing to give up the proposed addition to the front in order to obtain approval for the back.


(e)                9 Worthington Cres:  This was approved with the conditions that the Committee of adjustment be given correct information about the loft, and that the applicant deal with the City Easement issue. However the GFA variance was denied. .


(f)                 169 South Kingsway:  The application was denied. The applicant was told to speak to the neighbours and to discuss the submission with the Traffic Department.  SARA should check to see the applicant has appealed


(g)                Humber Cinema: Councillor Saundercook noted he had met with the architect and the applicant about a month ago to look at “the character of the neighbourhood” and in so doing toured the area to the west of the site. The architect will consider this in the submission. It was noted that the existing parking lot encroaches on the Humber Odeon property and that this encroachment was approved by the old City of York.


(h)                Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan:  March 1st is the deadline for the submission of objections.


(i)                  Committee of Adjustment- Processes and Practices:  As agreed at the last meeting, Louis Gris has submitted a letter to the City Clerk but there has been no reply.


(j)                 47 St Olaves:  The owner had been granted a height of 9 metres by the OMB in 2004. However the finished structure is 9.4 metres. The owner is now going to the Committee of Adjustment to legalize this variance on Feb 16th. The adjacent neighbour is objecting. It was agreed upon motion by George Dubauskas, seconded by Pat Reavy and carried that SARA write a letter of support for the neighbour.


(k)               29 Beresford:  Louis Gris has looked at the plans which will convert the building to a 2-storey house with a GFA of .76. If the neighbours are not objecting, SARA will not oppose it at Committee of Adjustment.


(l)                  7 Harcroft:  upon motion by John Meijer, seconded by George Dubauskas and carried it was agreed that SARA would write a letter of objection to the Committee of adjustment with respect to the variances relating to heights and set backs.


(m)              16 Dacre Avenue: This is a 70-foot lot which owner wants to split into 2 lots. This would require a variance as the minimum required lot width is 40 feet.




12.       Community Organizations Update on Activities:


(a)                Community Police Liaison Committee: Louis Gris noted that SARA is still looking for a representative to sit on the Committee.



(b)               High Park Community Advisory Council:  Merle Hudson reported that the Council is currently focusing on a response to the Parks and Recreations revised Plan as this plan emphasizes recreation rather than parks.


(c)        Swansea Community Recreation Centre& Rennie Park: Merle Hudson reported that there was a recent meeting with School Board representatives in order to determine how the Recreation Centre and Rennie Park could be a “school resource” so that some TSB funds could be accessed.


(d)        Swansea Historical Board: Monitor


(f)                 Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Swansea Memorial Library: George Dubauskas reported that there is a 24-page report documenting the use of the library during the last year going to the Budget committee of Council.


(g)                Swansea Public School: Monitor


(h)                Swansea Town Hall and J.T. Bonham Residence: The AGM for the Town Hall is February 22nd, and for the Residences, February 17th.


(i)                  CORRA: Louis Gris will forward a copy of SARA’s January letter about the Committee of Adjustment Processes, to CORRA requesting that it be put on their agenda for discussion.



12.       Status of Items Being Monitored:


(a)                Context Development:  There still continues to be a lot of unresolved issues with this development including the issue of a permanent easement over a strip of High Park for use in meeting by-law set back conditions – this is known as a Limiting Distance Agreement for which the City will be charging $60,000 plus $600 for administration fees. 


(b)        Windermere-by-the-Lake: The variances required for the townhouses on 6 Windermere will be going to the Committee of Adjustment on February 17th.


(b)               Southport Plaza Redevelopment:  Bill Roberts reported that the by-laws have yet to be approved.


(c)                Liquor License Matters:  Bill Roberts has forwarded a letter to G. Kennedy’s office, requesting an opportunity to speak at the Hearings on the Sale Provisions of the Act.


(d)                Petro Canada Station – 8 the South Kingsway:  Ron Braun reported that there are 4 new signs, which contravene the agreement. In addition many customers continue to make left turns from the south driveway also in contravention of the agreement The need for the City to pass a by-law prohibiting left turns from the property so that the police can then ticket those doing so was discussed.


(e)                There was nothing to report on the Fred Victor Centre/former Joyco Station, Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail, the Humber Bay Treatment Plant, traffic calming, Swansea Mews, Gardiner/Lakeshore Task Force or Community Council


13.       Other Business:  A University of Toronto survey about the impact of non- profit organizations, on community goverance, planning and the like was completed for SARA by Bill Roberts in consultation with the Executive and reviewed by Ron Braun before it was submitted.


14.       Next Meeting:  March 15, 2005



15.       Adjournment:


The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.