S.A.R.A. AGM Meeting Minutes – June 14, 2001
Present: Victoria Masnyk, George Dubauskas, Louis Gris, Vicki Vancas, Jamie Bell, Ritvars Bregzis, Marianne Fenner, Bill Haines, Peter Keefe, Jean McMullan, Paul Schmidt, Bill Roberts, Lina Volpe
Regrets: Lynn Clay, Richard Hirsch, Jean Oreto, Margaret Rew, Sybil Wilkinson
Gerrard Kennedy, MPP
Meeting began at 7:30 p.m. at the Swansea Town Hall
Presidents Comments: Victoria Masnyk
In delivering a short message as President of SARA, I would like to do two things tonight:
1. to deliver a short tribute to two people who died this year and who were very important members of SARA; and
2. to give a quick overview of some of the community happenings at that I consider to be important to Swansea residents and in which.SARA has been involved.
Jean Roberts died this year. Mrs. Roberts was involved with the Ratepayers in the early 60's and was instrumental in the fight against high-rise development proposals (i.e. 35 - 45 story buildings) that were being considered for Grenadier Pond. She fought against high-rise development around Ormskirk, as the proposals were for buildings higher than those that we have currently along Ormskirk. In 1967 the City wanted to sell Swansea Town Hall and Mrs. Roberts was instrumental in the fight that prevented that from happening. Mrs. Roberts was a member of the City of Toronto Planning Board from 1973 - 1976 and her most important contribution was her influencing City planners to hold meetings in the community in the evenings. Mrs. Roberts was involved with Swansea School and fought for the introduction of French into Swansea School. She was a woman who had a profile in this community that was rare for a woman of her generation. We sorely miss her, and thank her for sending us her son, William Roberts, who stepped into her shoes in about 1973 to continue her battles, and is a very valuable member of the SARA Executive.
Gunars Martinsons died this year and it is to this community's detriment that he is no longer with us. Gunars was a determined man who knew what he believed, and was willing to fight for It. He was absolutely instrumental in the fight to save the Town Hall both in 1967 when the City, attempted to sell it, and again in the mid-to late 1980's/early 90's when it again wanted to sell It. He was successful in ensuring that people to he able to access Building Department files, which was a right that at one time was denied them. He was extremely Involved in Committee of Adjustment and Ontario Municipal Board matters that affected the Swansea community. He was instrumental in obtaining a cross-walk an South Kingsway. He was also one of the main force in the redesigning of the Humber River bridges and fought for Swansea to obtain the benefit of the beautifully-constructed while foot bridge that we now down at the lakeshore. We miss him now and will continue to miss him as his spirit and engineering expertise will no longer available to us. This has been for SARA a sad, sad year.
- Stelco redevelopment – this is an important site - that,s why Stelco is on the agenda today - looking for community input
-Second Suites - have spent time at OMB helping the community
-Toronto's New Official Plan - Re: Land Use - City substituting guidelines for standards and regulations - Are we protected?
-New Committee of Adjustment – Hearings at 2:00p.m. -Can people who work still be beard in the evening?
-Development fever in the City- condo's everywhere - At what cost to this community and our environment? Do we have the infrastructure to support this development?
-Our Waterfront - Does the City have a vision that would protect our waterfront from development?
I would like to thank all of the executive members and all the directors of the Board for their support this last year. 1 would like to welcome our guests and to thank them for their contribution to our meeting. I would like to thank you for coming and taking part this evening.
Membership Report Presented by Louis Gris
Presently have 119 paid members (56 individuals, 56 families, 7 businesses, 4 life-time honorariums)
Nominations: Nominations were open. Slate of directors presented. Slate closed.
Slate of Directors: Victoria Masnyk (President), George Dubauskas (Vice-President), Louis Gris (Vice-President & Membership), Joan Oreto (Treasurer), Vicki Vancas (Secretary) , Jamie Bell, Lynn Clay, Ritvars Bregzis, Marianne Fenner, Bill Haines, Peter Keefe, Jean McMullan, Bill Roberts, Lina Volpe, Sybil Wilkinson
Slate of Directors: Motion by: Victoria Maynyk Seconded by: Paul Schmidt Carried
Motion by: Jamie Bell Seconded by: Paul Schmidt Carried
Elections as per slate indicated above.
Guest speakers:
Sarmite Bulte, MP
City Planners: Dave McKillop and Barry Brooks
David Miller, Councillor
Questions Period of various board members
Closure to AGM: Motion by: Jean McMullen Seconded by: George Dubauskas Carried
Meeting ended at: 9:40 p.m.