S.A.R.A. Executive Meeting Minutes –
Present: Tamara Bernstein, Ron Braun, George Dubauskas,
Louis Gris, Merle
Absent: Bill Haines, Vicki Vancas, Ritvars Bregzis, Marianne Fenner, Peter Keefe,
Guests: Helen Berezansky-Wagner, Ubbo Wagner, Karl Schmed
1. Call to Order and
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:
The meeting
began at
2. Approval
of Agenda:
The agenda was approved.
3. Approval
of Minutes:
Upon motion by Ron Braun, seconded by John Meijer, the minutes of
Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Ron Braun, and
carried, the minutes of the special meeting held on
4. Membership Report:
Louis Gris reported that the membership details remain the same as he reported at the Annual General Meeting on June 8th.
5. Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Expenses:
John Meijer presented the
Treasurer’s Report as of
Upon motion of John Meijer, seconded by Frances Labelle and carried, the Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Upon motion by George Dubauskas, seconded by John Meijer and carried, $57.69 in expenses for the AGM and the payment of $45 for SARA’s membership in CORRA were approved.
6. In Camera Session:
Before the meeting went In Camera Ms. Berezansky asked and was granted permission to address matters in the letter dated May 19, 2004, that she had sent to all members of the Executive.
The meeting then went in camera to discuss actions to be taken in regard to the Letter and to discuss the Committee of Adjustment application for 43 St. Olaves and the upcoming OMB hearing with respect to 337 Windermere.
Actions taken as a result of the said discussions outlined above were: 1) Frances Labelle was authorized to acknowledge Ms. Berezansky’s letter; 2) a subcommittee of Ron Braun, George Dubauskas and Frances Labelle was formed to investigate the allegations and prepare a formal response; 3) the retention of Bill Roberts to represent SARA at the OMB hearing on 337 Windermere; 4) $2,500 was authorized for legal fees and $2,500 for planning fees.
Upon motion by Ron Braun, seconded by Sybil Wilkinson, and carried, the above actions were approved.
Communications and Provincial Legislation to Reform OMB:
City Hall received our report and will study it and reply. Ritvars Bregzis had previously suggested that in view of upcoming changes to the OMB a copy of our report should be forwarded to them. Frances Labelle suggested that our response must reply to the issue of OMB reform. A copy will be sent to Gerard Kennedy requesting the opportunity to speak on this issue at the appropriate forum. A Committee consisting of Ron Braun, Bill Roberts, Louis Gris and Sybil Wilkinson was struck to prepare a submission on the OMB.
8. Land
Use Matters:
b)Windermere by the
It was agreed that the letter to the Mayor dated
c)Southport Plaza
Redevelopment: Frances Labelle
reported that as authorized at the last SARA meeting she had asked the Committee
of Adjustment to defer the proposal to sever the site as it was premature. She noted the Committee did approve the
severance as expected but that there had been two conditions placed on the
approval resulting from communications from the City’s development engineering
e) Committee of Adjustment
Nick Singh reported that all cases of interest to SARA that were brought before the Committee of Adjustment are being appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.
337 Windermere - discussed above
15and 17 Lavinia - to be followed up re OMB date
2525 Bloor - date set For August 5th
f) Municipal Shelters – Continue to monitor
g) Gardiner Lakeshore Task Force - nothing new to report
h) Toronto
Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan –
Bill Roberts reported that a
number of errors have been identified
in the new map of
i) Fred Victor Centre/Joyco Station - Councillor Saundercook reported to the meeting on May 31 that he requested a report on the site cleanup and the construction schedule, and will update SARA
j) Humber Cinema –Louis Gris reported that another public meeting will be held in September
5. Liquor Licenses:
a) Billy Bob/The Fan – Nothing to report.
b) Dark Horse –Nick Singh has requested clarification from David Miller re signoff on sound barrier.
a) Humber Pedestrian Trail – continue to monitor
7. Neighbourhood Issues:
a) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway - to be discussed at next meeting with the councillor
b) Community Council – nothing to report
c) Traffic calming – scheduled for
d) Second Suites – Nothing new to report. Continue to monitor.
e) 258 Windermere – Nothing new to report
f )
g) 47 St. Olaves – Nothing new to report.
a) Community
Police Liaison Committee – Merle
b) High Park Community Advisory Council – Merle Hudson reported that the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking input from the public re needed improvements and the future priorities for their department There are three sections on this Reactivate Toronto survey-a) Forestry Services- trees (planting and pruning), b)Recreation Facilities c) Recreation Programs. The survey is on line at www.world19.com.
2) that the Octoberfest dinner/dance with silent auction will be held Saturday, October 23rd. Based on the evaluation of last year’s event, improved timing of dinner and silent auction have been taken into account in the planning for this year’s event.
h) Confederation of Resident & Ratepayer Associations (CORRA) – Bill Roberts reported that CORRA continues to deal with issues relating to the Part I Plan ( as above under Toronto Official Plan)
1 )World 19 – Louis Gris reported that World 19 will host an all candidates meeting June 21 at Runnymede United church
10. Other Business:
a)Website – nothing to report.
b)Fundraising – Louis Gris reported we will continue with the Village Players, returning to a fall date
c)Social – George Dubauskas working on
11 New Business Visioning Study Nick Singh reported that the workshop organized by Office for Urbanism (OFU) for the Bloor West Village Visioning Study was held on June 22. Many guests, few from the immediate area, were invited to participate. The workshop was well directed towards identifying opportunities for development and improvement. No time was spent on what developments or improvements would be unwelcome or problematic for the community. OFU will now produce a preliminary report that will be refined with our feedback and then be mounted on panels for an open house presentation to the public for further comment before the final report is produced.
Next Meeting/Adjournment-The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 21, at
Moved by Nick Singh, seconded by
George Dubauskas,and adopted, the meeting adjourned at