S.A.R.A. Executive Meeting Minutes – October 21, 2003
Present: Ritvars Bregzis, George Dubauskas, Marianne Fenner, Louis Gris, Peter Keefe, Frances Labelle, Vicki Vancas, John Meijer, Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, Merle Hudson, Sybil Wilkinson
Absent: Ron Braun, Bill Haines, Joan Oreto, Victoria Masnyk
Call to Order and Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:
The meeting began at 7:35 p.m. at the Swansea Town Hall. No conflicts of interest were declared.
Approval of Agenda:
The agenda was approved as amended upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Vicki Vancas and unanimously carried.
Executive Appointments:
Marianne Fenner will contact Victoria Masnyk and request written notification, in time for the November meeting, of her intention to resign from the position of SARA President. Appointment of President has therefore been deferred to the next meeting.
The minutes of September 16, 2003 were approved as amended upon a motion by Vicki Vancas, seconded by Bill Roberts and unanimously carried.
1. Membership Report:
Louis Gris reported that he has received 31 membership renewals. $373 was given to the Treasurer. Current membership stands at 111 members, including 2 memberships for the year 2004. The Membership report was approved upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by George Dubauskas and unanimously carried.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
John Meijer presented the Treasurer’s Report as of October 21, 2003:
Upon motion made by John Meijer, seconded by Vicki Vancas and unanimously carried, the Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Upon a motion by Peter Keefe, seconded by Vicki Vancas and unanimously carried, it was agreed that John Meijer be reimbursed $10.91 for newsletter paper, and $19.47 for renewal of the domain name.
3. Procedure for
Dealing with Matters Arising Between
SARA Meetings:
It has been past practice that subcommittees have been appointed to monitor issues that arise between SARA meetings, particularly in the summer. After discussion, the Secretary was directed to send an updated list of Executive responsibilities and Committees to all Directors, to be reviewed by all in preparation for discussion at the November meeting.
4. Land Use Matters:
a) 1947-1997 Bloor St. W. – Context Development: Peter Keefe reported that an Environmental Review Board Hearing will be held later in the fall regarding this site, and that a community-based risk assessment will be undertaken by the Ministry of the Environment as a pilot project. He reported that the developer has produced a risk assessment document, which has been viewed as flawed. The neighbourhood continues to actively monitor this situation.
Windermere by the Lake – Frances Labelle reported
that following the Sept. 16th meeting she had canvassed the
Executive for permission to retain a Planner, Natasha Laing, for a fee of $250
to represent SARA and RARG at the Committee of Adjustment in opposition to the
latest variances being requested for 3 Windermere. The retention of Natasha
Laing was confirmed and the cost of her services amounting to $250.38 was
approved upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by John Meijer and unanimously
Frances reported that the Committee of Adjustment had met today, Oct. 21st rather than the Oct.7th date originally anticipated. The applicant had made a deal with the City to reduce the height increase of the tower to 5 storeys, in return for section 37 payments of $20,000 to the Swansea Town Hall expansion project and $15,000 for refurbishing of Ormskirk Park. The application was turned down by the Committee of Adjustment on the grounds it was not minor, and the Committee had asked many questions based on SARA/RARG’s submission which was circulated at the meeting. Frances further reported that the applicant has requested SARA to consider its revised proposal for and additional 5 storeys, plus the $35,000 in Section 37 payments. If SARA concurs, the applicant would then appreciate receiving a letter to this effect.
After discussion, it was agreed that it was improper for SARA to make a decision on a matter of this magnitude without consulting its constituents. Bill Roberts moved that a subcommittee be formed to review the application, and hold a meeting to obtain the views of Swansea ratepayers. This motion was seconded by Sybil Wilkinson and was unanimously carried. Sybil Wilkinson, John Meijer, and Nick Singh agreed to form the subcommittee and to organize a public meeting. Frances Labelle was to inform the applicant of SARA’s decision and invite them to attend the meeting. (Following the adjournment of this meeting the Rousseau Room of the Swansea Town Hall was booked for December 4th ). In response to a question regarding RARG’s position, the meeting was informed that RARG would follow the lead of SARA in this matter.
c) Southport Plaza Redevelopment – Frances Labelle reported that notices have been posted to inform the community that the OMB Hearing will start at 10:00 a.m. Monday Oct. 27th. She said that there are 2 other participants in the Hearing in addition to SARA, RARG, and the Board of Directors for 45 Southport. The importance of community participation in the process was emphasized. It was suggested that a petition be circulated to gather the signatures of those persons in the community who are unable to attend the Hearing.
d) 1900 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (former Meow Club site) – Frances Labelle reported that the City Planners had submitted an atrocious report to Council, Sept.22-24, that recommended approval of a development with a density of approximately 7.5x and two towers 19 and 20 storeys high. Council did not approve the report. Councillor Miller introduced a motion to ask the OMB to defer the hearing set for Dec. 4th without any instructions of what to do if the motion to defer was denied. The Board on October 16th denied the motion. It appears the City will only be arguing on section 37 matters and site planning matters. Upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Peter Keefe, and unanimously carried, it was resolved that SARA’s status at the Hearing be changed by November 7 from party status to participant status. The Board has set the location of the meeting to the Scarborough Civic Centre. Upon a motion by John Meijer, seconded by Ritvars Bregzis, and unanimously carried, Frances Labelle was directed to write a letter to the Chair of the OMB (with copies to Gerard Kennedy and Mike Colle), suggesting that the OMB consider other venues, and stating that the location of the Hearing is inappropriate and imposes hardship for community members who wish to attend.
e) Committee of Adjustment – Louis Gris was directed to write a letter to the attention of Anita Macleod requesting that SARA receive notification of matters coming before the Committee of Adjustment. Bill Roberts reported that C. of A. meetings for Toronto West are now scheduled for the evenings (6:30 or 7 p.m.) effective October 2, 2003.
f) Municipal Shelters – This matter is now before the OMB.
g) Gardiner Lakeshore Task Force – Bill Roberts reported that in a previous meeting meeting with the Task Force, he drew to their attention that the agreed-upon procedural model was not being followed.
h) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan – Frances Labelle reported that Paul Bain has been gathering data regarding every high rise/low rise building in Swansea. Bill Roberts and Frances Labelle met with the City on September 17th, and spoke about the low-rise character of previous Swansea development.
5. Liquor Licenses:
a) Billy Bob/The Fan – nothing to report.
b) Dark Horse – nothing to report.
6. Humber River:
a) Boathouse –Frances Labelle reported that she had not written to the city on the reallocation of the funds for the boathouse on the Humber as the area Planner had informed her that the funds had already been reallocated to the upgrading of Ormskirk Park in the South Swansea Area.
b) Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail – Marianne Fenner reported that she has not yet written the requested letter to the City, but will do so before the November meeting.
7. Humber Bay Treatment
No report.
8. Neighbourhood Issues:
a) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway – Continue to monitor.
b) Petro Canada – Queensway and Southport – Construction is complete.
c) Humber York Community Council – Will be held in a new location, yet to be announced.
d) Traffic calming – Nothing to report. Continue to monitor.
9. Other Organizations:
a) Community Police Liaison Committee – Louis Gris will contact Bill Haines regarding representation on this committee.
b) High Park Citizens Advisory Committee – Merle Hudson will be attending their Open House this week. Sybil Wilkinson agreed to be SARA’s back-up representative for this committee.
c) Swansea Historical Society – Continue to monitor proposed changes to street names. Sybil Wilkinson will continue to be SARA’s representative.
d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Swansea Memorial Library – George Dubauskas informed the meeting that he is waiting for a report regarding the closing of Runnymede Library. He also reported that a Read-a-Thon for Kids will be held at the Library on November 15th.
e) Swansea Public School – Discussion regarding the purchase of a plaque for the school’s Community Service award will take place next meeting.
f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management – Louis Gris reported that tenders have been proposed, and that the Board is waiting for more information.
g) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park – Merle Hudson reported that the Octoberfest Dance will be held on Saturday, October 25th.
h) Confederation of Resident & Ratepayer Associations (CORRA) – Bill Roberts reported that there was a meeting to discuss various issues. SARA has been invited to notify CORRA if support is required with respect to the proposed development at 1900 Lakeshore Blvd. W.
i) World 19 – a recent newsletter implies that they will continue to publish information on their website.
10. Other Business:
a) Municipal Candidates Meeting - All six candidates running for position of Ward Councillor took part in the meeting on October 15. The event was well-attended by members of the community.
b) Newsletter– The next newsletter will be mailed in January.
c) Website – no update.
d) Marketing/Fundraising – Louis Gris reported that he has contacted the Village Players regarding a fundraising event in the spring..
11. New Business:
a) George Dubauskas reported on an application
for a liquor license for a new restaurant on the south side of Bloor St. Upon a
motion moved by Bill Roberts, seconded by Sybil Wilkinson, and carried, it was
resolved that Louis Gris, George Dubauskas, and Nick Singh form a committee to
gather information and report back at a future meeting.
b) Sybil Wilkinson reported that a large house is being built on Valleymede Rd.
c) John Meijer informed the meeting that he had been contacted by someone who is interested in forming a Ratepayers group in another area of the city. The person was invited as a guest at today's meeting but did not attend.
d) Bill Roberts reported that a letter was written to a member of the community regarding 258 Windermere, with a copy to Councillor Miller.
e) Louis Gris informed the meeting that the former Sommerville car rental location north of Bloor Street is slated for future condominium development.
f) Nick Singh reported that he wrote a letter to David Miller re. the Reon application to the Committee of Adjustment for 3/6 Windermere Ave.
12. Next Meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18th at 7:30 p.m.
Upon a motion by George Dubauskas, seconded by Frances Labelle and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
Letters to be Written:
1. Louis – re Dark Horse –
to Alcohol and Gaming Commission – advising of violation of decision of
Commission and requesting revocation of patio license until such time as
conditions of decision are complied with
2. Victoria – to advise
High Park Advisory Committee of appointment of Merle Hudson as Sara’s
3. Letter to Toronto
Library Board requesting it reconsider decision to give Annette Library
priority over the Swansea Memorial Library to serve the Bloor West community
during the period the Runnymede Library is closed for renovation.
4. Louis to write to Committee of Adjustment asking to
have SARA put back on the list of Community Groups receiving the Agenda
5. Marianne - letter to
City re. Humber Pedestrian trail
Matters Needing Attention:
1. Louis Gris to invite
new Ward 13 Councillor to the next SARA meeting.
2. Companies Act
Information update
Items to be discussed at next
1. Development of
procedure for following up on Committee of Adjustment matters.
2. Appointment of
3. Election of members of SARG
4. Community Police Liaison Committee - appointment of
5. Plan for dealing with
matters that occur between Executive meetings
Future Meetings:
1. Fred Victor Centre –
set up date for future presentation with member of Fred Victor Mission present
– Frances Labelle will follow-up with Peter Zimmerman in September to set up a
date when there is something concrete to discuss – will bring up at September
Exec. Meeting.