MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Present: Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, David Fleming, Heather McCulloch, Louis Gris, Kate Lawson, Chris Korda, Sybil Wilkinson

Regrets: Bill Jermyn, George Dubauskas, John Meijer, Ed Gaigalas, Bill Steele


The meeting was called to order by Nick Singh at 7:37 pm.


Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by David Fleming, and carried, the Agenda for April 17, 2007 was approved.


Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Chris Korda, and carried, the amended Minutes for Tuesday March 20, 2007 were approved.


a) Membership: No report as John Meijer is absent.

b) Fundraising: Louis Gris reported that the Village Playhouse would love to have SARA sponsor their second show of the season (usually held in November). The exact dates and details are to be worked out at a later date.

c) Treasurer’s: Bill Roberts read the Treasure’s Report sent by John Meijer via email. The report was accepted upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by David Fleming and carried.

d) Expenses: None.


a) New Members and Guests: Ian McIsaac a 3 year resident at 65 Southport St. Mr McIsaac explained he is running for the Executive at 65 Southport, and want to get more involved in the Swansea community.

b) Newsletter: John Meijer is in the process of preparing the next newsletter.

c) Adopt a Block: The display poster will be used next at SARA’s AGM in May. Kate Lawson volunteered to display the poster at the community garage sale on May 26, 2007. Chris Korda suggested that we prepare a flyer to hand out to the students at the Swansea Public School. We will wait for John Meijer to return to discuss Chris’s idea.

d) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall: David Fleming has not had the time to move the contents of the storage locker to the cages in the basement.

e) Property Encroachment at 55 Mayfield Ave - Willard Gardens Parkette: Nick Singh reported that he had contacted Councillor Saundercook’s office, and was informed that Councillor Saundercook is contacting Mr Keys as well. There has not been any response from reply from Mr. Keys.

f) Traffic Studies in Swansea: Nick Singh reported that he sent a letter regarding a Traffic Study to Councillor Saundercook, and also talked to Councillor Saundercook regarding the Avenue Study Zoning Bylaws, Heritage Designation, and the South Kingsway Ramps. Councillor Saundercook said he was looking into the traffic study. There was no other information on any of the other items.

g) Cheri DiNovo: Nick Singh reported that he followed up with Cheri DiNovo’s office regarding Alcohol and Gaming, the Dark Horse, and Committee of Adjustment issues. There has not yet been any response.

h) Flyer to promote SARA to new Swansea Residents: Chris and Sybil reported that they had both met with Ed Gaigalas separately. They discussed various ideas such as a “what is going on” flyer, or a card sized brochure with contact details, as well as information on what SARA does. These could be dropped off at apartment buildings, or manually dropped at the new townhouse complex, or at local real estate offices. We would need permission from the apartment building management to drop our literature. After some discussion, a general consensus was that we should revamp the current SARA Flyer, and create a new card sized brochure for distribution.

i) Proactive Measures to Preserve the Character of Swansea: Nick Singh reported that he contacted Councillor Saundercook. Nick Singh reported that the Bloor West Village Ratepayers Association had their AGM the week of April 1st. It was combined with a Public Meeting attended by Councillor Saundercook, Cheri DiNovo’s, and Public School Trustee Irene Atkinson. The main discussion was about the effects of the French Immersion program at the Swansea Public School

j) Swansea Town Hall Web Site Redesign: John Meijer will provide the Swansea Town Hall (Ed Gaigalas) with content for their new website.

k) Humbergate Initiative: Nick Singh reported that Councillor Saundercook’s office will send details of the meeting to the SARA contact email address.

l) Annual General Meeting, May 2007: The 2007 AGM will be held on Tuesday May 29 in the Rousseau Room at the Swansea Town Hall. Bill Roberts reported that Michael McClelland from E.R.A. Architects Inc. will speak at about Heritage Designations. Nick Singh will follow up with Ed Gaigalas regarding creating a flyer for the AGM. Chris Korda and David Fleming volunteered to help distribute the flyer.

m) ABC’s of Fraud – Presentation by Volunteer Toronto: Ian McIsaac indicated that the residents at 65 Southport might be interested in the presentation. Nick Singh gave Ian the package from Volunteer Toronto for Ian to present at their AGM.


a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan: Bill Roberts reported that the settlement of housing related matters was adopted by the OMB. Item to be closed.

b) New COA matters: Two items for Thursday April 19, 2007 at 14:00h.

356 Winderemere Ave.: A temporary 6 by 9 brick shed for stroller storage to be built on the west property line. The neighbour adjacent is opposed to the construction. SARA’s position is as follows:

If the building is temporary it should be temporary in nature, and have a date set for removal. If the building is to be permanent, it should be moved to a more suitable spot. If the two previous points can not be met, then the COA meeting should be adjourned for public consultation. David Fleming motioned that he write a letter to the COA stating SARA’s position. The motion was seconded by Kate Lawson and carried.

50A Beresford Ave: The minor variance was to have an increase in GFA, as well the north side setback. Bill Roberts motioned that SARA tentatively oppose the application pending consultation with the immediate neighbours by David Fleming. The motion was seconded by Chris Korda and carried.


a) Community Police Liaison Committee: Kate Lawson reported that the next meeting is at 11 Division on May 8, 2007. A European police force will be in attendance to talk about community policing.

b) High Park Community Advisory Council: Heather McCulloch reported that the dog survey for the park is ready. The volunteer tree planting day is Tuesday May 6, 2007. The Council is starting an investigation into creating an Interpretive Centre.

c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park: Kate Lawson motioned that $30 be made available to rent a table for the Adopt-A-Block poster for the community garage sale on May 26, 2007. The motion was seconded by David Fleming and carried. Kate reported she will be able to be at the table for part of the day, and would like volunteers to help. She will also take newsletters, membership applications, AGM Flyer, and possibly an Adopt-A-Block brochure with her. The hours of the garage sale are 7:00 to 13:00.

d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: Bill Roberts reported that the librarian reported that the library usage was slightly down from last year, but up from two years ago. This is positive news for the Library.

e) Swansea Public School: No news.

f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: Bill Roberts reported that the Board is looking at revising their constitution further. This will be discussed at the Board’s September meeting.

g) J.T. Bonham Residences: No news.

h) CORRA: Bill Roberts reported that CORRA is trying to reorganize its membership and contacts lists.


a) Windermere by the Lake: No news.

b) Southport Plaza: No news.

c) Former Joyco Station: Nick Singh reported that the first building was moved on Saturday April 14, 2007. The last building will be moved Saturday April 28, 2007. See http://www.toronto.ca/ for more details.

d) Dark Horse (liquor license): No news.

e) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: No news.

f) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: No news.

g) Storm Water Management Plan – Ellis Ave/Colbourne Lodge Dr: No news.

h) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign Meeting: Nick Singh reported that Councillor Saundercook will hold a public meeting on May 31, 2007.

i) Front Yard Parking: Nick Singh reported that he asked Councillor Saundercook if Swansea could get a moratorium on parking pads like in Ward 14. Councillor Saundercook did not have an answer.

j) Bloor West Urban Design Study: Nick Singh contacted Greg Lintern, the Director of community Planning about getting our study upgraded, and to find out the best approach to preserving Swansea.

k) 296 Riverside Drive: Bill Roberts reported that the OMB hearing will resume on June 11 and 12, 2007.


a) Raising Membership Fees: A discussion about raising the membership fees ensued. The idea of a “donate to the SARA Contingency Fund” might be a better way of generating monies at this time.

10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday May 17, 2007

11. ADJOURNED: 9:31 PM