MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Present: Louis Gris, Nicholas Singh, John Meijer, Bill Roberts, David Fleming, Merle Hudson,
Ed Gaigalas, George Dubauskas
Regrets: Chris Korda, Sybil Wilkinson, Bill Jermyn, Bonnie Shulman, Frances Labelle, Pat Reavy, Kate Lawson
The meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm, with no conflicts of interest.
The Agenda for December 13, 2005, was approved as amended upon motion by Bill Roberts,
seconded by Merle Hudson, and carried.
The Minutes of November 15, 2005 were approved upon motion by Bill Roberts,
seconded by David Fleming, and carried.
a) Membership:
Louis Gris reported 1 family new membership. He gave a cheque for the amount to the treasurer.
b) Fundraising:
Louis Gris reported that the December 1, 2005 fundraiser brought in a total of $1328.00, with $980.00 being delivered to the treasurer. After expenses the net profit was $820.00. Louis submitted a written report to the treasurer.
The report was approved upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Nicholas Singh and carried.
c) Treasurer’s Report:
The report was accepted upon motion by John Meijer, seconded by Bill Roberts, and carried.
John Meijer reported expensed of $14.41 for SARA’s Domain Name renewal, $59.95 for Web Hosting for a total of $74.37.
Louis Gris reported expenses of $12.05.
The expenses were accepted upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by David Fleming, and carried.
a) New Members and Guests:
There were no new members. John Meijer will produce a new membership flyer. A note from Bill Jermyn detailing his absences was read.
b) Newsletter:
Bill Roberts reported that the next newsletter would be ready in January.
c) All Candidates Meeting:
Bill Roberts made a motion to set up an All Candidates Meeting on January 4, 2006 at 8pm. Bill Roberts will chair and set up the format, and Nick Singh will time. Louis Gris will create and print mailing labels to the membership, as well as the flyer based on details provided by Merle Hudson. Nick Singh and David Fleming will take prepare and mail the letters at 7 pm on Wednesday December 14. Louis Gris will contact the BWV Ratepayers to inform them of the meeting. Ed Gaigalas will inform the media. Bill Roberts will arrange refreshments, and Merle Hudson cookies.
Bill Roberts made a motion to approve $50 for expenses, seconded by Nick Singh, and carried.
e) SARA Meeting with Councillor Saundercook: Nothing to report.
f) Adopt a Block: Nothing to report.
g) Massage Parlours: Monitor.
i) Hydro Poles: Nothing to report. Lois Gris will monitor.
Bill Roberts reported that the Staff response to the report was unimpressive. Pat Reavy to write to the Planning and Transportation Department to ask that SARA be kept advised on the matter.
k) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall:
Louis Gris reported that some items had been moved to SARA’s storage locker. Nick Singh to get the contract from City Archives and have it signed. Once the storage boxes arrive, we will arrange to have them packed by calling the next meeting 30 minutes early, thereby allowing all members present to help archive the items.
l) Municipal Property Assessment Corporation: Nothing to report.
m) East Side of Walkway from Willard Ave to Willard Gardens:
Nick Singh reported that he had not received a response from Councillor Saundercook’s office.
a) Bloor West Urban Design Study: Nothing to report.
b) Humbergate Study: Nothing to report.
a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan:
John Meijer reported that he attended the joint meeting of CORRA and FONTRA on November 29, 2005, where Bill Roberts and George Belza presented the Toronto Official Plan. He also reported that CORRA made an appeal for funds to cover the $23,000 in legal costs associated with the project for 2005 and 2006.
Merle Hudson made a motion to contribute $500.00, seconded by Nick Singh and carried. The treasurer will send a cheque to Brian Maguire at CORRA.
b) Humber Cinema:
Nick Singh reported that the meeting with Councillor Saundercook produced no new changes to the current plan of 10 storeys. The plans for the site will go to Community Council “as is” in January.
Louis Gris received a letter from the Chief Building official that indicted the stairs were built as a right. The appellant would need to write a letter to the OMB detailing the violation of the ruling, and the letter from the City. Louis Gris will contact the appellant regarding sending the letter to the OMB.
d) 169 South Kingsway:
Nothing to report. Louis Gris will get a copy of the Committee of Adjustments ruling for SARA’s records.
e) 25 Woodland and 85 South Kingway:
The OMB meeting was held, and the board reserved judgement.
f) 26 Deforest:
Lois Gris reported that he received a letter from the Building Department detailing that there was no issue with the height of the proposed construction.
a) Community Police Liaison Committee:
SARA will need a new representative for the Committee.
b) High Park Community Advisory Council: Nothing to report.
c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park:
Merle Hudson reported that they are trying to get budget for improved lighting in Rennie Park.
d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: Nothing to report.
e) Swansea Public School: Nothing to report.
f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management:
Ed Gaigalas report that the shoring would be started soon.
g) J.T. Bonham Residences:
Ed Gaigalas to find who the representative is.
See section a under Land Use Items for a report.
a) Windermere by the Lake: Monitor.
b) Southport Plaza:
It has been noticed that tenants are not renewing leases with Georgian Homes when they come up.
Ed Gaigalas to write a letter to Georgian Homes regarding litter on the site.
Nick Singh will review the letter before it is sent.
d) Context Development: Monitor.
e) Dark Horse (liquor license):
Nick Singh reported that Richard Kouliss responded that the soundproof barrier was approved.
Bill Roberts made a motion that he write a letter to the Provincial Ombudsman regarding the issues surrounding the decision.
f) Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail: Monitor.
h) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: Monitor (Ron Braun as contact).
i) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: Monitor (Ron Braun as contact).
a) OMB Reform:
Bill Roberts reported that changes to the OMB would be discussed in meetings.
Bill made a motion to have Nick Singh write a letter to MPP Gerrard Kennedy to allow SARA to make a submission at the meetings. Bill Roberts will review the letter before it is sent. The motion was seconded by John Meijer and carried.
b) Wade Hillier – Ward 13 Municipal Elections Candidate:
Nick Singh reported that he was contacted by Wade Hiller, a candidate for Ward 13 in the upcoming Municipal Elections. He would like to discuss issues in the Ward with SARA. Nick will get back to Wade Hiller that he is welcome to attend the next SARA meeting.
c) Governing Toronto Advisory Panel:
Nick Singh reported that he attended a meeting chaired by John Sewell discussing a report from the 3 person advisory panel. He noted that the powers to be granted in the report seem sweeping and far reaching with no means of checks or balances. Nick Singh recommended that we cooperate with John Sewell to oppose the panel’s recommendations.
Bill Roberts moved that we write letters as appropriate to ensure transparency, accessibility, and accountability with checks and balances, and to cooperate with any organizations in agreement.
The motion was seconded by Merle Hudson and carried.
10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
(meeting to start at 6:30 if boxes from the City Archives are available to be packed.)
11. ADJOURNED: 9:15 PM