MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Present: Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, David Fleming, John Meijer, Heather McCulloch, Louis Gris, Kate Lawson, Bill Steele

Regrets: Ed Gaigalas, Sybil Wilkinson, Chris Korda, George Dubauskas, Bill Jermyn


The meeting was called to order by Nick Singh at 7:31 pm. Bill Roberts reported possible conflict of interest as he has been hired by the residents of 298 Riverside Drive to help with opposition to OMB appeal with respect to matters surrounding 296 Riverside Drive.


Upon motion by David Fleming, seconded by Bill Roberts, and carried, the Agenda for January 16, 2007 was approved with the following amendments:

Add 205 Ellis Ave and OMB Ruling on the Queen West Triangle to New Business.


Upon the motion made by Bill Roberts, seconded by Louis Gris, and carried, the Minutes for December 12, 2006 were approved.


a) Membership: No new members to report.

b) Fundraising: Nick Singh reported all monies and tickets were accounted for and that a total of $1042 was raised for the Village Playhouse. The report was accepted upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by David Fleming and carried.

c) Treasurer’s: John Meijer read the Treasures Report. The report was accepted upon a motion by John Meijer, seconded by Bill Roberts and carried.

d) Expenses: None.


a) New Members and Guests: Stuart and Paulette French from 298 Riverside Drive. Discussion to be deferred to the end of Current Matters items.

b) Newsletter: John Meijer reported he will finalize and distribute the January newsletter shortly after the meeting.

c) Adopt a Block: Heather McCulloch presented her plan for a two part foam core display, with the SARA and Adopt-A-Block banner details on the top, and the Swansea area map on the bottom. Small wood blocks will be attached to the appropriate street on the map when a block is adopted. A certificate will be designed a reminder of sponsorship duties. The adaptors information will be kept on file for program contact purposes. Heather requested monies are made available to put together the display. Bill Roberts motioned that up to $50.00 for materials be approved. The motion was seconded by John Meijer and approved.

d) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall: Nick Singh reported that the contract was reviewed and approved. Nick will contact to the City Archives to pick up already packed boxes, and drop off new ones to fill.

e) East Side of Walkway from Willard Ave to Willard Gardens: No news

f) Billy Bob's Bistro and Saloon /The Fan Sports Cafe: Nick Singh reported that Alcohol and Gaming have called a meeting on Thursday January 18 at the Four Points Sheraton to go over and accept the agreement.

g) Traffic Studies in Swansea: No news as Ed Gaigalas is absent. Ed to report on the letter at the February 20 Executive meeting.

h) Cheri DiNovo: No news. Nick Singh will contact Cheri DiNovo’s office to follow up.

i) Display Poster to advertise SARA and Adopt-A-Block: See item c).

j) Noise at the Rennie Park Ice Rink: Kate Lawson reported that she had contacted Dave at the Parks and Recreation about the noise situation. Louis Gris reported that George Dubauskas had talked to the homeowner and that the noise was far less than before.

k) Flyer to promote SARA to new Swansea Residents: Chris Korda and Sybil Wilkinson are to meet with Ed Gaigalas on the matter.

a) New Members and Guests – Continued: Stuart and Paulette French from 298 Riverside Drive reported that they are going to oppose the changes at 296 Riverside at the OMB hearing on the matter. They reported that they had retained Bill Roberts to represent them. Mr French requested official support from SARA to help oppose the changes as the GFA and setbacks far exceed the limits. Bill Roberts explained to the executive different levels of support that SARA can give. Bill explained that to have “Party Status” would make SARA party to the proceedings. He then left the meeting while the Executive discussed the matter with the French’s.

Discussion with Bill Roberts Ex Parte:

The Executive discussed the level of support required, if they wanted us to have Party Status, and what if any expenses would SARA be expected to incur as part of the proceedings. Mr. French explained that support for opposing the changes is strong, and they would like support from SARA at the highest level of commitment. They would like SARA to join the opposition having Party Status as it would lend weight to the opposition. They would not expect SARA to have any financial commitments.

Discussion with Bill Roberts, Stuart French, and Paulette French Ex Parte:

The Executive discussed that the opposition against these changes are strong, and that issues like these are ones that must be supported. As the French’s are not requesting financial help, the financial liability is minimal. Discussions of legal representation for SARA at the hearing will be discussed at a later date. Nick Singh proposed a motion that “SARA becomes a party, with no financial obligation, to the OMB proceedings in opposition to changes at 296 Riverside Drive”. The motion was seconded by David Fleming and approved.

Bill Roberts returned to the Executive meeting where the above was explained. David Fleming proposed a motion that Nick Singh writes two letters. One to the French’s to confirm commitment of SARA becoming a party to the proceedings with no financial obligation. The other to Councillor Saundercooke asking him to ensure that the City has a planner and lawyer present in opposition at the hearing. The motion was seconded by John Meijer and approved.


a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan: No news. City and developers have agreed on all sections. Needs approval from City Hall.

b) New COA matters: No new items. John Meijer reported that we missed a COA meeting regarding changes at 23 Dacre Crescent on January 11. There was no news on the outcome.


a) Community Police Liaison Committee: Kate Lawson reported that the police are now having Community Information Nights. The next one is Thursday January 18.

b) High Park Community Advisory Council: Heather McCulloch reported the next meeting is Wednesday January 17.

c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park: Kate Lawson reported that she was unable to attend the last meeting.

d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: No news as George Dubauskas is absent. George to report his findings at the February executive meeting.

e) Swansea Public School: No news.

f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: Bill Roberts reported that the Board is having its Annual General Meeting on February 24, 2007 He reported that he clarified with the Librarian what type of survey was to be done. Bill reaffirmed that it was to be an “assessment of library usage”. Bill suggested that members of the Executive check out to determine what usage and materials are available. Bill produced a document from the Town Hall outlining photocopy costs and increases. He explained that the consultation was being done as some community groups think that the increase is too much, and that the Town Hall should make no profit from photocopying. David Fleming proposed a motion that he write a letter to the Town Hall and that SARA has no issue with the proposed rates for colour photocopies. The motion was seconded by Heather McCulloch and approved. Note that Ed Gaigalas is absent from the meeting.

g) J.T. Bonham Residences: Ed Gaigalas to report.

h) CORRA: John Meijer reported that a joint CORRA and FONTRA meeting will be taking place on Tuesday January 23. Bill Roberts will be speaking about the City Official Plan, and the use of neighbourhood policies at the COA and the OMB.


a) Windermere by the Lake: No news.

b) Southport Plaza: No news.

c) Former Joyco Station: No news.

d) Dark Horse (liquor license): No news. Nick Singh will contact Cheri DiNovo’s office to follow up.

e) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: No news.

f) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: No news.

g) Storm Water Management Plan – Ellis Ave/Colbourne Lodge Dr: No news.

h) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign Meeting: No news.

i) Front Yard Parking: No news. Ed Gaigalas to report on the new rules at the February meeting.

j) Bloor West Urban Design Study: No news. Nick Singh will contact Councillor Saundercookes’s office to follow up.

k) 202 South Kingsway: No news. Nick Singh will contact the COA regarding the outcome of the meeting.

l) 296 Riverside Drive: See 5a.


a) OMB Ruling on the Queen West Triangle: A recent OMB ruling regarding approval of the developer’s plans in the Queen West Triangle was discussed. The City did not want the development as it did not conform to the City Plan, but failed to place proper opposition at the OMB hearing. SARA may want to ask Councillor Saundercooke to have the City do a Zoning Bylaw Review or an Avenue Study in Swansea to set heights and densities in the Official Plan. Nick Singh suggested that Swansea may want to seek a Heritage designation. Bill Roberts will try to find contact details of a Heritage Toronto worker in the area.

b) 205 Ellis Ave: Mr. Owens appeal to the OMB regarding 205 Ellis Ave was denied.

c) SARA’s Town Hall Use of Space Agreement: Kate Lawson proposed a motion that SARA renews its agreement for use of space with the Swansea Town Hall. The motion was seconded by David Fleming and approved.

10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday February 20, 2007

11. ADJOURNED: 9:18 PM