MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Present: Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, Sybil Wilkinson, Ed Gaigalas, Kate Lawson, David Fleming, Heather McCulloch, Bill Steele, John Meijer, Chris Korda

Regrets: Louis Gris, Pat Reavy, Merle Hudson, Frances Labelle, George Dubauskas, Bonnie Shulman


The meeting was called to order by Nick Singh at 7:31 pm, with no conflicts of interest.


Upon motion by Chris Korda, seconded by Ed Gaigalas, and carried, the Agenda for June 20, 2006 was approved.


Upon the motion made by Ed Gaigalas, seconded by John Meijer, and carried, the Minutes for May 16, 2006 were approved.


a) Membership: Nick Singh read the report. Upon motion by John Meijer, seconded by David Fleming, and carried, the report was approved.

b) Fundraising: Nick Singh reported that he would contact Louis Gris to discuss details for the Village Playhouse’s November fundraiser.

c) Treasurer’s: The Treasurer’s Report was accepted upon motion by John Meijer, seconded by Chris Korda, and carried. Ed Gaigalas reported that the Swansea Town Hall photocopy accounts have been in arrears. John Meijer will research the cheque payments to Swansea Town Hall so any outstanding charges can be settled.

Nick Singh raised concern that SARA’s current membership is too low, and has been declining. He pointed out that we need to attract more members, possibly via campaigning. He opened the floor to suggestions to achieve an increased membership. John noted that we send renewals and letters to members. Nick Singh suggested email to interested persons. Door to door campaigning was discussed as being done in the past. A Membership Committee was suggested, and Sybil Wilkinson, Chris Korda, and John Meijer volunteered to start up the process.


a) New Members and Guests: Shane Heffron from 182 Windermere Ave was welcomed to the meeting to discuss his minor variance request coming before the Committee of Adjustments on June 29, 2006. Mr. Heffron indicated that he would like to get support from SARA for the meeting. The request is to increase the GFA from the allowable .25 to .49. Mr. Heffron explained that he was building a two story addition, and that he already had a building permit for a first story extension. Bill Roberts noted that the proposed rear wall would extend past the neighbours, and could be a concern. Also noted was that the basement walkout could be a concern. Nick Singh advised Mr. Heffron that we would discuss his variance and report to him the results our discussion.

After Mr. Heffron left, it was discussed that SARA would not support the proposal, and would only object if any neighbours object.

Bill Roberts proposed a motion that a letter is written to City Planning suggesting to reduce the allowable length of basements to be less than the current 55 feet, possible reduced to 45 feet.

b) Newsletter: The next newsletter is scheduled to go out at the end of the summer. John Meijer will write the letter, Bill Roberts and Nick Singh will advise.

c) Annual General Meeting 2006: No news

d) Adopt a Block: John Meijer reported that no action has taken place as a plan need to be put together, as well as a process to record participation. There has been a push in the media and via handouts for participation in the program. John Meijer will create an outline or framework for SARA’s involvement in the program. This will be displayed at the Town Hall, and on SARA’s website.

e) City Recycling Bins: No news

f) Massage Parlours: Three new associations have been added to the list of members.

g) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign: Ed Gaigalas reported that the City had booked space at the Town Hall, but then cancelled. Nick Singh will ask Councillor Saundercooke for an update on the matter.

h) Community Involvement in Processes and Practices of the City & COA – Processes and Practices:

Nick Singh reported that City Hall is looking at selecting a new governence council. Bill Roberts moved that Nick Singh write a letter to Mayor Miller to ensure that the appeals process for Committee of Adjustments and the Lower Appeals Tribunals is “Conforming to Natural Justice”. The motion was seconded by John Meijer and moved.

i) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall: Nick Singh reported that the boxes are available, and that the contract is still not available from the City of Toronto Archives. He will follow up. He also noted that the content still has not been sorted and boxed. Bill Roberts will arrange a date to pack the boxes, and David Fleming volunteered to help with the task.

j) East Side of Walkway from Willard Ave to Willard Gardens: No news.

k) Alcohol and Gaming Meeting: Queens Pasta: Nick Singh reported that the petition was turned down.

l) Municipal All Candidates Meeting: At the Town Hall on October 11, 2006.

m) OMB Reform: Bill Roberts reported that he and George Belze met with the Attorney General. Bill Roberts suggested that MPP Brad Duguid may be interested in hearing SARA’s concerns on the matter, Nick Singh will try to set up a meeting.

n) Governing Toronto Advisory Panel: No news.

o) Front Yard Parking: No news.


a) Bloor West Urban Design Study: Nick Singh has not yet met with the City Planners regarding their concerns.

b) Humbergate Study: No news.


a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan: Bill Roberts reported that the Plan is scheduled to be passed at the end of June. Bill also presented a draft copy of the Plan.

b) Humber Cinema: Nick Singh reported that the proposal was approved by City Council, and that an OMB appeal does not seem to be wanted. It was suggested that Councillor Saundercooke could reopen the issue for debate at City Hall, but it may be too late. Unless a strong front is sent before an OMB appeal, SARA will take no further action. This item will be move to monitored status.

c) Change of Address for mail addressed to SARA from Etobicoke/York Committee of Adjustment: The address has been changed to John Miejer’s residence. To be closed.

d) 26 Deforest: To be closed.

e) COA Matters: There are no new items to address.

f) 31 The Palisades: To be monitored as the COA meeting had been differed.

g) Brule Gardens: It was reported that there no action was being pursued.


a) Community Police Liaison Committee: No news as Kate Lawson is absent.

b) High Park Community Advisory Council: SARA needs to find a replacement for Merle Hudson as she has resigned from the SARA executive.

c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park: Nothing to report.

d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: Nothing to report.

e) Swansea Public School: Bill Roberts and Chris Korda to attend June meeting to distribute trophies. Bill motioned to approve monies for the trophies, seconded by Sybil Wilkinson, and carried.

f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: No news.

g) J.T. Bonham Residences: No News. There is no representative from SARA.

h) CORRA: Bill Roberts reported that CORRA is currently working on the Official City Plan. He also reported that CORRA is looking for more donations for OMB meetings, noted that costs for CORRA in 2006 would be approximately $13,000. SARA gave $500 in December. Sybil Wilkinson motioned that we provide another $500, seconded by John Miejer and carried. Bill Roberts abstained due to potential conflict of interest.


a) Windermere by the Lake: No news.

b) Southport Plaza: No news.

c) Fred Victor Centre and Former Joyco Station: The position of SARA was that the buildings should not have been moved without plans for their use. The City needed to have the buildings moved for soil remediation. Once the developers pulled out, the buildings have been left to fall apart. The item will continue to be monitored.

d) Dark Horse (liquor license): Nick Singh reported that the second letters has been sent and that no response has been received. Nick will follow up.

e) Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail: No news.

f) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: No news.

g) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: No news.


a) Peggy Nash, newly elected MP for Parkdale/High Park: To be closed.

b) Bicycle Lanes (Works Committee guidelines): To be closed.

c) Signage (new By-law): To be closed.

d) Bank of Nova Scotia, Safety Deposit Box: To be closed.

e) 45 and 47 Mayfield Ave: Nick Singh noted that there have been issues regarding dumpster bins on the property, and that the owner had applied for a demolition permit. He suggested that we write a letter of objection unless plans are submitted for new construction. Bill Roberts motioned confirmation of the letter, seconded by David Fleming.

f) Billy Bob’s – The Fan: The owners have applied to the Alcohol and Gaming to lift the seven current conditions on their licence. Nick wrote a letter of objection, and read it to the executive. Bill Roberts motioned to confirm sending the letter as agreed upon at the end of the AGM. This item will be moved to current matters.

g) The Gleaner – Property Tax Issues: John Miejer motioned that Nick Singh respond to the Gleaners inquiries, seconded by David Fleming.

h) Bill Steele – Possible Conflict of Interest: Bill Steele reported that he is starting a renovation on his house, and that there would be minor variance requests for the Committee of Adjustments. The issue will be reviewed by the COA committee.

11. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday September 19, 2006

12. ADJOURNED: 9:50 PM