MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Present: Nick Singh, Louis Gris, Chris Korda, John Meijer,
Ed Gaigalas, Kate Lawson, David Fleming
Regrets: Pat Reavy, Bill Roberts, Merle Hudson, Frances Labelle
The meeting was called to order by Nick Singh (temporary chair) at 7:35 pm, with no conflicts of interest.
Upon motion by Dave Fleming, seconded by Chris Korda, and carried, the Agenda for May 16, 2006 was approved.
Upon the motion made by Dave Fleming, seconded by Chris Korda, and carried, the Minutes for April 18, 2006 were approved, as amended.
a) Membership: John Meijer reported 6 new paid and 4 new honourary memberships. He thanked visitor, Bill Steele, for his donation of $86.00.
b) Fundraising: Louis Gris will lead SARA’s participation in the Village Playhouse’s November fundraiser.
c) Treasurer’s: John Meijer gave the Treasurer’s Report. He reported expenses of $70.71 for the Newsletter and AGM flyers. Upon motion made by Louis Gris, seconded by Dave Fleming and carried, the report was approved.
a) New Members and Guests:
Nick Singh welcomed guests Councillor Bill Saundercook and new member, Bill Steele.
b) Newsletter: The May, 2006 newsletter has been mailed to members. It includes a reminder for membership renewal. Membership is from the first of the year, but SARA directors must be paid up by the AGM. The next newsletter will be in the fall.
d) Adopt a Block: John Meijer reported that pilots will be conducted by one or two scout troops, by a ratepayers’ group (SARA) and by a reverend from China Town. The City has given some terms of reference, leaving it up to each group to decide how they will communicate and monitor their projects. If needed, the City will provide for garbage pick-up. The start-up date is immediate. John will e-mail particulars from the City to sub-committee members.
e) City Recycling Bins: Councillor Saundercook reported that this topic will be coming up soon.
f) Massage Parlours: Councillor Saundercook reported that another [illegal] one has recently opened on The Queensway. The association charged with monitoring has had a hard time sorting out the good from the bad, even though the association has established regulations for membership.
g) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign: In response to the City’s request for input from the public at the Public Meeting of May 2nd, Chris Korda faxed a letter, on behalf of SARA/SARG, with the approval of Louis Gris, on May 12, 2006, stating SARA’s repeated position on the ramps closure proposal. The letter was sent to Mr. David Evans (Public Consultation Co-ordinator), Ms Penelope Palmer (Transportation Services), Councillor Bill Saundercook and Mayor David Miller. Copy was then sent to SARA executive.
Chris Korda reported having received a reply letter from Councillor Saundercook’s office. Louis Gris reported having heard from a resident of Ripley Ave. who suggested the need for a traffic light at Morningside Ave.. This suggestion does not directly affect the ramps closure problem.
Councillor Saundercook reported he is happy that a professional study is being done. There was discussion around the recent SARA letter and the question about the reason for the proposed ramps closure. The councillor said the environmental assessment is to include the areas around three minor arteries – Ellis, Windermere and South Kingsway. He stated that if the community is not in favour of the project [that is, the four options for closure], then it won’t go. He defined “community” as the large number of people in the area, to whom he distributed 5000 flyers, in contrast to the small group that is SARA.
i) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall: No news.
j) East Side of Walkway from Willard Ave to Willard Gardens:
Councillor Saundercook reported that Transportation Department staff have received a request for improvement, and since this is a low-priority item, it may not make it to the 2007 budget.
k) Alcohol and Gaming Meeting: Queens Pasta: No news.
l) Municipal All Candidates Meeting: Ed Gaigalas has booked a room at the Town Hall for October 11, 2006.
m) OMB Reform: No news.
n) Governing Toronto Advisory Panel: No news.
o) Front Yard Parking: No news.
a) Bloor West Urban Design Study: Councillor Saundercook reported that the study is in the hands of Greg Inter, planner/director of the West District, who is cautious, believing it better that the former Odeon Building goes through a typical study rather than through the Urban Design Study, thus giving developers the idea that there are more parcels up for possible development. Nick Singh stated that he doesn’t see why there should be differences on how this building should be referenced. The councillor suggested Nick arrange a meeting with Greg Inter, to determine when the Urban Design Study will have status and when Greg will put his name to it.
b) Humbergate Study: Councillor Saundercook reported that he, together with Councillors Grimes and Milchin, have met with Mayor Miller. Since many new residents of this area, just west of the Humber River, will be using our community resources (High Park, etc.), the City Council and the TTC should work together. In response to Nick Singh’s question about the progress of the study, the councillor said it is in final form and that Nick can arrange a consultation with the Office of Urbanism.
a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan: No news.
b) Humber Cinema: Councillor Saundercook reported that the matter will be dealt with by council sometime between May 23 and May 25, 2006. Mr. Wynn has made some alterations, including new stone and glazing on the east wall. Councillor Saundercook has decided not to approve the project, subject to council members’ vote. He said if the developer gets city council’s approval, anyone can appeal; if not, the developer will appeal.
c) 52 Ellis Park Road Closed.
d) Change of Address for mail addressed to SARA from Etobicoke/York Committee of Adjustment:
No news.
e) 26 Deforest:
Variances were approved. The permit was received after construction had begun. Item is closed.
a) Community Police Liaison Committee:
Kate Lawson, who attended the May meeting, reported that on a chosen weekend, 54 officers will patrol trouble spots, such as Rennie Park and Willard Gardens Park, targeting illegal drinking and other such behaviour. The next meeting is in September, at the 11th Division.
b) High Park Community Advisory Council: No news.
c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park: The garage sale will be held May 27, 2006.
d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library:
Louis Gris reported that there is no funding for a mural in the library.
e) Swansea Public School:
Bill Roberts sent news that funds are available for plaques, to be presented to students.
f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: No news.
g) J.T. Bonham Residences: Closed
h) CORRA: No news.
a) Windermere by the Lake: No news.
b) Southport Plaza:
Councillor Saundercook reported that the developer, Georgian Homes, is proceeding with development plans and wants to lessen commercial space even more. The councillor has received many requests for more commercial space, in the form of grocery, pharmacy, postal services, etc.. He has advised planners and will advise SARA when planners respond.
d) Dark Horse (liquor license):
Nick Singh and Bill Roberts will write a letter, asking that the case be re-opened and resolved.
e) Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail: No news
f) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: No news
g) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: No news.
a) Peggy Nash, newly elected MP for Parkdale/High Park: She has been invited to the AGM.
b) Bicycle Lanes (Works Committee guidelines): No news.
c) Signage (new By-law): No news.
d) Bank of Nova Scotia, Safety Deposit Box: No news.
e) Harmonized Site Plan Control By-Law (Site Plan Process):
A debate in City Council is set for May 17, 2006. A report will follow, with time for public response.
11. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 20, 2006
12. ADJOURNED: 9:30 PM