MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Present: Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, Chris Korda, David Fleming, George Dubauskas, Heather McCulloch, Louis Gris, Ed Gaigalas
Regrets: Kate Lawson, Sybil Wilkinson, John Meijer, Bill Steele, Bill Jermyn
The meeting was called to order by Nick Singh at 7:30 pm, with no conflicts of interest.
Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Ed Gaigalas, and carried, the Agenda for October 17, 2006 was approved with the following amendments:
New Items: Letter from member to Louis Gris, Committee of Adjustment meeting for 298 Riverside Dr, Committee of Adjustment meeting for 43 St. Olaves Rd, Bloor West Village Residents request.
Land Use Items: Removal of item 6b, 45 and 47 Mayfield Ave.
Upon the motion made by Bill Roberts, seconded by George Dubauskas, and carried, the Minutes for September 19, 2006 were approved.
a) Membership: Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by David Fleming, and carried, the report sent by John Meijer was approved.
b) Fundraising: Nick Singh reported that the tickets for the Village Playhouse’s November fundraiser on Thursday November 16, 2006 have been distributed and he can be contacted for more if required. Louis Gris will as John Meijer to provide a current membership list so he can contact people about the play.
c) Treasurer’s: Upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Ed Gaigalas, and carried, the report sent by John Meijer was approved.
d) Expenses: None.
a) New Members and Guests: Stuart French (298 Riverside Dr), Robert Gregorie (43 St. Olaves Rd), Gurjung Singh (Cheri DiNovo’s Office), and Sisley McWilliams (Peggy Nash’s office). As Stuart French and Robert Gregorie are present to discuss Committee of Adjustment matters, it was decided that we would hear what they had to say as the first item.
Stuart French, residing at 298 Riverside Dr, brought the matter of the request for variance application at 296 Riverside Dr. The variances are for GFA (allowed .35, requested .62 or 2800 square feet), Front Yard setback (required 6.35m, requested 4.09m), and side yard setback (required 7.5m, requested .91m). Mr Stuarts’ concerns are the large size of the building, the loss of access to his back yard garage, damage to property and tree. Bill Roberts indicated that the loss of garage access issue (adverse possession) would depend on if the house is under land use, or land registry. We also suggested that he get the opinion of an independent arborist to asses the impact that the changes may have on the tree. We informed Mr Stuart that we would discuss the issue and reply back to him. Mr. Stuart then left.
Robert Gregorie, residing at 43 St. Olaves Rd, brought the matter of his request for variance application at 43 St. Olaves Rd. The variances are for change to addition not allowed (a previous addition was done 3 to 4 years ago), side yard setback (requested is 2” less than required), 14 meter depth (max for converted house, requested 18.1m), height (required 9m, requested 9.7m). Mr Gregorie explained that the actual height request is under dispute, and should only be 9.09m. He also indicated that the renovation had cleared Ravine Protection and that trees on the property would not be damaged. He came to the meeting to explain his requests and ask for support form SARA. Bill Roberts asked about the height on the east and north side of the property, and Mr Gregorie said it was about 7.23m. Bill Roberts asked if he would build substantially in accordance to the plans, and Mr Gregorie replied that he would. Ed Gaigalas asked how long the neighbours were aware of the project, and Mr Gregorie said it was about two weeks. George Dubauskas asked about parking, and Mr Gregorie said the property had room for four cars. We informed Mr Gregorie that we would discuss the issue and reply back to him. Mr. Gregorie then left.
b) Newsletter: The next newsletter is due in January.
c) Adopt a Block: No news as John Meijer is absent. Bill Roberts suggested that a display for the program as well as SARA be put together. Discussions with respect to the suggestion this will be held off until the November meeting.
d) City Recycling Bins: Item to be closed. George Dubauskas noted that overflowing bins seem to be a problem in the neighbourhood. Bill Roberts made a motion that George Dubauskas write a letter to the City Works Department, with c.c. to both Councillor Saundercook and the BWV BIA, about the issue. The motion was seconded by George Dubauskas and passed.
e) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign: Nick Singh reported that all meetings and reports have been postponed due to possible archeologically important discoveries. Chris Korda added that she had received a letter from Heritage Toronto regarding the site.
f) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall: Nick Singh reported that the contract is still not signed, and will immediately follow up with the City Archives.
g) East Side of Walkway from Willard Ave to Willard Gardens: Still no news from Councillor Saundercook’s office. Nick Singh reported that he will follow up on this item.
h) Municipal All Candidates Meeting: Was held at the Town Hall on October 11, 2006. It was a good meeting with five of the six councillor candidates and a number of fringe mayoral candidates. It was noted that our postering and advertising for the meeting needs improvement. As well, the meeting may have been held too close to the nomination date.
i) Billy Bob's Bistro and Saloon /The Fan Sports Cafe: Nick Singh reported that the first meeting had taken place, and two subsequent evening meeting would be held on November 6 and 7. More dates are being looked at. Danny Smardenka from The Fan indicated that he would like to meet with the community to see if some conditions could be negotiated. Bill Roberts suggested that Nick Singh be a representative as a member of SARA, and made a motion for SARA to reconfirm opposition to the condition changes. The motion was seconded by Heather McCulloch and passed.
j) Election Candidates and Political attendees at Executive meetings: Nick Singh reviewed the minutes of the September meeting. Ed Gaigalas suggested that we use the nomination date as a basis to close access to political attendees. Bill Roberts motioned to “Ban any candidates from attending a SARA Executive meeting 40 days before closing of nominations” in order to maintain SARA’s political neutrality. The motion was seconded by Ed Gaigalas and passed.
a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan: Bill Roberts reported that the Plan and Section 37 general policy discussions were approved today. This covers the bulk of housing policies.
b) Humbergate Study: Item to be closed.
c) Committee of Adjustment – 296 Riverside Dr.: It was decided that we would support any neighbours in opposition to the request as GFA increase is massive and the front yard setback is unwarranted. Bill Roberts motioned that Nick Singh write a letter in support of the neighbours to oppose variances individually and multiply. The motion was seconded by George Dubauskas and passed.
d) Committee of Adjustment – 43 St Olaves Rd.: Nick Singh will write a letter to the Committee of Adjustment informing them that we do not oppose the variances subject to no opposition from neighbours and that the property is built substantially in accordance with the plans, in particular, extending the depth as it is ???? the side setback.
a) Community Police Liaison Committee: No news as Kate Lawson is absent.
b) High Park Community Advisory Council: This Saturday November 21 is the Oktoberfest Dance. A SARA representative is still required. Heather McCulloch is considering volunteering for the position.
c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park: No news. A SARA representative is still required.
d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: Bill Roberts reported that he had not asked the librarian to provide an assessment of library usage because the librarian was not at the board meeting.
e) Swansea Public School: No news.
f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: The relationship framework schedule for Swansea Town Hall has been approved by the City. It is important as it is an independent board of management with elected directors not appointed by City Council.
g) J.T. Bonham Residences: Ed Gaigalas explained the process of the Board at the residences, and its mandate. A SARA representative is still required. Nick Singh suggested that Linda Reed may be able to do the job.
h) CORRA: No news. See 6a for details.
a) Windermere by the Lake: No news.
b) Southport Plaza: There is a Committee of Adjustment meeting scheduled for October 26. There are concerns regarding parking, the commercial properties will be starved for spots, the transfer of commercial space to residential, and the depth of the excavation should require a hydrologists report. Heather McCulloch motioned that SARA oppose the request. The motion was seconded by Chris Korda, and passed. Ed Gaigalas abstained. Nick Singh will write the letter.
d) Dark Horse (liquor license): Bill Roberts suggested that Nick Singh forward correspondence regarding this matter to Cheri DiNovo’s office to inform her of the issues.
e) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: No news.
f) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: No news.
g) Storm Water Management Plan – Ellis Ave/Colbourne Lodge Dr: No news.
h) OMB Reform: Bill Roberts reported that the changes were passed today in the Provincial Legislature. This should result in more accountability to the processes. Gurjung Singh was asked to find out why Cheri DiNovo voted against the changes.
i) Front Yard Parking: No news. Ed Gaigalas will bring copies of the new bylaw to the November meeting for discussion of the current use of parking pads in the neighbourhood.
j) Bloor West Urban Design Study: No news. The study should be looked at after the municipal elections.
k) 45 and 47 Mayfield Ave: No news. Construction continues.
l) Bill Steele – Possible Conflict of Interest: The variances requested were passed by the Committee of Adjustments.
a) Public Meeting Regarding Neighbourhood Traffic: Ed Gaigalas reported that there had been a number of public meetings held by Councillor Saundercook regarding traffic issues in the neighbourhood, specifically the installation of traffic calming islands on Runnymede Ave south of Bloor St. These islands would allow a reduction in the speed limit to 30 kph. Beresford and Durie Ave residents were invited to the meetings to discuss concerns of increased traffic on their streets. Ed suggested that traffic in the neighbourhood as a whole should be studied, as opposed to the current piecemeal approach. Traffic Studies in Swansea will be added to Current Matters. Ed Gaigalas motioned to write a letter to Councillor Saundercook about the issues. The motion was seconded by George Dubauskas and passed.
b) Louis Gris – Letter from Member: Louis Gris read a letter that he received from Mrs. Drummond, the resident at 43 Worthington Crescent, regarding construction at 41 Worthington Crescent. Louis will follow up with Mrs. Drummomd. The item will be monitored.
c) Bloor West Village Residents Association: Nick Singh reported that he was asked to help answer the BWVRA questions surrounding their issues with dropping attendance.
d) Insurance Renewal: Bill Roberts motioned that the $459 invoice be paid. The motion was seconded by David Fleming and passed.
11. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday November 21, 2006
12. ADJOURNED: 10:05 PM