MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Present: Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, David Fleming, Heather McCulloch, Kate Lawson, Chris Korda, George Dubauskas, John Meijer, Ed Gaigalas, Sybil Wilkinson, Ian McIsaac, Louis Gris
Regrets: Bill Jermyn, Bill Steele
The meeting was called to order by Nick Singh at 7:37 pm.
Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by John Meijer, and carried, the Agenda for September 18, 2007 was approved.
The approval of the Minutes for Tuesday May 15, 2007 was deferred until the October meeting.
a) Membership: John Meijer presented the membership report. The report was accepted upon a motion by John Meijer, seconded by David Fleming and carried.
b) Fundraising: Tickets for the Village Playhouse fundraiser, Night Watch, on November 15, 2007, are available.
c) Treasurer’s: John Meijer presented the membership report. The report was accepted upon a motion by John Meijer, seconded by Kate Lawson and carried.
d) Expenses: John Meijer submitted expenses of $69.40 for the SARA domain name renewal. Chris Korda submitted $59.98 for expenses pertaining to the fight against the South Kingsway ramps redesign.
a) New Members and Guests: Diana Alpeza from 86 Deforest Road. Robert and Natalie Pfundt, Gail Oxtoby, Phrish Jain, and Francesco Elia.
Diana Alpeza presented her application for minor variances at 86 Deforest Road. She advised us that they were still making changes to the application. She was not able to explain some of the calculations. Given the incomplete state of the application, it was our recommendation that the matter should be adjourned until these issues have been fleshed out and a fresh notice stating what is being applied for is provided to the community.
See Land Use Items, 6e, 86 Deforest Road for the Executives decision.
Prish Jain advised us that he was planning to develop the properties 14, 18, and 18 Mossom Road. The properties are currently rented out and in good shape. He presented to us three plans for the site:
A four story condominium with 29 to 30 1200 square foot units. He told us that he would need to get the appropriate zoning, but that the City advised him that “they could see a condo on that site”.
Seven freehold townhouses “rich in materials and finishing”, within the nine meter height restriction. There would be a zero front yard setback, but thinks it would not be an issue as the city boulevard is wider than normal as the road is “off center” to the opposite side of the street. The private right of way at 18 Mossom Road would be used for car access to the rear. He reported that the City does not like this plan as there is no precedent for it.
Five detached houses on 8.55 metre lots in the same style, within height, at .65 times coverage. Single car parking would be in front. He reported that the City would prefer this plan or the condos.
He told us that he has contacted Councillor Saundercook, and that he wants the support of the community, and does not want to go forward without full disclosure. Bill Roberts advised Mr. Jain to canvass and consult the neighbourhood up to and including Riverside Drive. He also advised that there may be issues regarding the use of the private right of way at 18 Mossom for use by multiple properties.
b) Adopt a Block: Ed Gaigalas will put up the poster, and an announcement about the program will be made at the All Candidates Meeting.
c) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall: David Fleming has not had the time to move the contents of the storage locker to the cages in the basement.
d) Property Encroachment at 55 Mayfield Ave - Willard Gardens Parkette: No news.
e) Traffic Studies in Swansea: Ed Gaigalas to review item and report at the October meeting.
f) Cheri DiNovo: No news
g) Flyer to promote SARA to new Swansea Residents: Ed reported that the Swansea Area Seniors Association is having membership problems, and that it may be beneficial for SARA to get together with other community groups to help boost membership. It was suggested that SNAP or the Town Crier may be better advertising venues than the Villager. Bill Roberts suggested that we could issues receipts for memberships and/or donations, especially during membership drives.
h) Proactive Measures to Preserve the Character of Swansea: To be deferred.
i) Swansea Town Hall Web Site Redesign: John Meijer reported that he and Ed Gaigalas will be collaborating on updates.
j) Humbergate Initiative: News on the initiative should be available by the October meeting.
k) Planning decisions switching from Community Council to the Planning and Growth Management Committee: Bill Roberts reported that the issue was deferred, and that the only employment issues would be going to Planning and Growth. Item will be closed.
l) All Candidates Meeting for the October 10, 2007 Provincial Election: Nominations closed on September 10, 2007. David Fleming will resend invitations to the candidates with the agenda and procedures for the meeting. Kate Lawson will man the Adopt-A-Block booth. The following procedures were discussed and agreed upon:
Start of meeting at 7:00 pm (subsequent meetings preferably would start around 7:30 pm)
Opening Statement from the President (between 7:00 and 7:15)
Ground Rules from the Chair
Each candidate will get three minutes to speak. The order will be determined by ballot.
Question and Answer Period (at approximately 7:40)
For questions directed to a candidate, the candidate will have two minutes to answer. The other candidates will be given one minute for rebuttal. Rebuttals will be done in a "rolling" manner in the same order as the opening statements. Questions will be submitted (in writing or asked verbally) at the meeting. Preference will be given to written questions. SARA members will collect the questions for submission to the Chair.
Concluding Statements (at approximately 8:40)
Each candidate will have two minutes to close. The order will be the reverse of the opening statements.
Candidates will be permitted on each side of the main stairs from 6pm until the close of the meeting. No other signage is allowed. Tables will be provided in the lobby for campaign literature.
Bill Roberts will chair the meeting, and Nick Singh will time the candidates. Louis Gris and Kate Lawson will collect questions, and Ed Gaigalas will collate the questions for the chair.
m) Waterfront Master Plan: Nick Singh reported that there was a meeting during the summer. Penelope Pal????? was at the meeting. A report will be produced.
a) 11 Coe Hill, 93 Coe Hill:
11 Coe Hill: No news.
93 Coe Hill: Postponed.
b) 79 Deforest: David Fleming reported that the house has been sold, and after discussions with the City inspectors, there appreared to be no issues with the permits, or work.
c) 35 Beresford Ave: The appeal for a parking pad was granted upon a motion by Councillor Saundercook.
d) 41 Brule Cres: Ted Fortuna and Judy McCormick from 39 Brule Crescent appealed the ruling to the OMB, and hired Bill Roberts to represent them. They contacted Nick Singh to ask SARA to send a representative to the hearing to support their case. Kate Lawson volunteered to attend. Dave Fleming made a motion to authorize Kate Lawson to attend the OMB hearing and represent SARA. The motion was seconed by Sybil Wilkinson and carried
e) 86 Deforest Road: See “New Members and Guests” for discussion with the applicant, Diana Alpeza. John Meijer motioned David Fleming write a letter to ask that the application be deferred, and if not, that SARA oppose the application as it stands. The motion was seconded by Ed Gaigalas and carried.
f) New COA Matters:
29 Dacre Crescent: John Meijer motioned that he write a letter opposing the below grade garage. The motion was seconded by Kate Lawson and carried.
11 Armadale: .71 GFA in a .6 zone and side setback for rear addition. No action.
9 Ellis Gardens: John Meijer reported that .7 GFA was approved in the .35 zone.
169 South Kingsway: Possible fence and addition issues were reported in an anonymous letter. Chris Korda will try to investigate the issue.
a) Community Police Liaison Committee: Deferred to the October meeting.
b) High Park Community Advisory Council: Deferred to the October meeting.
c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park: Deferred to the October meeting.
d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: Deferred to the October meeting.
e) Swansea Public School: Deferred to the October meeting.
f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: Deferred to the October meeting.
g) J.T. Bonham Residences: Deferred to the October meeting.
h) CORRA: Deferred to the October meeting.
a) Windermere by the Lake: Deferred to the October meeting.
b) Southport Plaza: Deferred to the October meeting.
c) Former Joyco Station: Deferred to the October meeting.
d) Dark Horse (liquor license): Deferred to the October meeting.
e) Humber Bay Treatment Plant: Deferred to the October meeting.
f) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway: Deferred to the October meeting.
g) Storm Water Management Plan – Ellis Ave/Colbourne Lodge Dr: Deferred to the October meeting.
h) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign Meeting: Deferred to the October meeting.
i) Front Yard Parking: Deferred to the October meeting.
j) Bloor West Urban Design Study: Deferred to the October meeting.
k) 296 Riverside Drive: Bill Roberts reported that the OMB ruled against the appellant, and in favour of the community and SARA.
10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday October 16, 2007
11. ADJOURNED: 10:05 PM