S.A.R.A. Executive Meeting Minutes – December 9, 2003
Present: Ritvars Bregzis, George Dubauskas, Marianne Fenner, Louis Gris, Ron Braun, Nick Singh, Bill Roberts, Merle Hudson, Sybil Wilkinson, John Meijer
Absent: Frances Labelle, Peter Keefe, Vicki Vancas, Bill Haines
Guests: Councillor Bill Saundercook
Call to Order and Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:
The meeting began at 7:35 p.m. at the Swansea Town Hall. There were no declared conflicts of interest.
Approval of Agenda:
The agenda was approved as amended upon motion by Sybil Wilkinson, seconded by Bill Roberts and unanimously carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Nick Singh and carried, the minutes of November 18, 2003 were approved with the following amendments: 9(d) – remove 'also' from 'also to be signed'; add 'Nick Singh' to list of Committee members; change 12(b) to read 'there may be an application'.
The minutes of the November 25, 2003 meeting were approved as presented upon a motion by Merle Hudson, seconded by George Dubauskas, and carried. Subsequent to the Nov. 25th meeting, Louis Gris reported that he and George Dubauskas discussed calling all SARA members to inform them of what took place, since the newsletter is not scheduled to be sent out until January.
1. Membership Report:
Louis Gris reported that he has received 4 new memberships (3 single, 1 family),and gave $42 to the Treasurer. Current membership stands at 120 members. The Membership report was approved upon a motion by Ritvars Bregzis, seconded by Bill Roberts and unanimously carried.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
John Meijer presented the Treasurer’s Report as of December 9, 2003:
Upon motion made by John Meijer, seconded by Bill Roberts and unanimously carried, the Treasurer’s report was accepted. Merle Hudson presented a cheque to SARA in the amount of $1000, which was given to the Treasurer.
Expenses - Upon a motion by Sybil Wilkinson, seconded by George Dubauskas, and carried, it was agreed that the Treasurer be reimbursed $54 (renewal of website hosting), and for the Treasurer to reimburse Bill Roberts $3 (parking expenses).
3. Land Use Matters:
a) 1947-1997 Bloor St. W. – Context Development: No report.
b) Windermere by the Lake:– Bill Roberts excused himself and left the meeting at this point. There was a brief summary of the discussion that took place at the November 25th meeting. Councillor Saundercook stated that he will bring this issue before the Planning and Transportation Committee, and will keep SARA informed of how this matter works its way through City Hall. He also suggested that SARA appoint a spokesperson who will be prepared to make a presentation to Council when the opportunity arises. After further discussion it was resolved, upon a motion by Ron Braun, seconded by Merle Hudson, and unanimously carried, that Bill Roberts be hired to defend SARA's interests at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on this matter. Bill Roberts re-joined the meeting at this point, and was informed of the resolution.
c) Southport Plaza Redevelopment – Bill Roberts reported that the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing has not yet rendered a decision. The current site plan calls for one large tower but will contain the same number of units as previously outlined. Bill further reported that during the hearing our expert was acknowledged as correct with respect to hydrology and water management issues.
d) 1900 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (former Meow Club site) – Ron Braun stated that Ontario Municipal Board proceedings started yesterday, and the public is invited to take part tomorrow. Ron reported that it was acknowledged at the hearing that the traffic plan for the site is flawed. He also reported that the developer is offering $350,000 in Section 37 funds in exchange for increased density. Councillor Saundercook informed the meeting that he has spoken to the City solicitor and planners, and that this matter will be discussed at Council the first week of January. Ron Braun stated that SARA has asked the City for a moratorium on development in the Western beaches area. Councillor Saundercook stated that the property is zoned as open space, and also noted that the City sold the property at 1900 Lakeshore without holding a public meeting. Councillor Saundercook said that he will attend the OMB hearing tomorrow. He also stated that he intends to meet with the developer and will report back to SARA. Ron Braun will speak at the hearing, and Frances Labelle will also make a presentation.
e) Committee of Adjustment – Bill Roberts reported that the following items are to go before the Committee: 47 Mayfield, 200 S. Kingsway (Dec. 16),and 33 Waller Ave. Louis Gris, George Dubauskas, or Nick Singh will contact Frances Labelle for more information.
f) Municipal Shelters – continue to monitor.
g) Gardiner Lakeshore Task Force – Bill Roberts reported that the Task force will re-form in January, and reiterated that he is willing to continue to represent SARA. Marianne Fenner reported that she sent a letter to the Task Force informing them that SARA will be represented by Bill Roberts, with Frances Labelle as alternate representative.
h) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan – Bill Roberts reported that he has met with Paul Bain, one of the city planners. Upon a motion by Sybil Wilkinson, seconded by John Meijer, and carried, it was agreed that: (a) the 'without prejudice' letter from Paul Bain of December 9, 2003, provides a basis for settlement, (b) that Bill Roberts and Frances Labelle are authorized to negotiate a settlement based on the information outlined in the letter, in terms which they deem appropriate and desirable, and (c) that Bill Roberts respond by letter.
i) Fred Victor Centre/Joyco Station – Sybil Wilkinson reported that the Joyco station building is now in two sections on different parts of the site, and that SARA had not been informed that the building would be split in two. Sybil said that she will contact Peter Zimmerman of Let's Build. Councillor Saundercook reported that he has spoken with the Executive Director of the Fred Victor Centre and will appear before their Board.
4. Liquor Licenses:
a) Billy Bob/The Fan – Louis Gris stated that he will contact Councillor Saundercook's office for an update from the City solicitor regarding the City's appeal of the rooftop patio license.
b) Dark Horse – Nick Singh reported that he will discuss this matter with Councillor Saundercook.
c) Bloom Restaurant (2315 Bloor St. W.) – Nick Singh reported that there appear to be no objections from the community, and that no one from the community attended the public meeting on November 25th . Nick also reported that he sent a letter to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission withdrawing SARA's objection, provided that the same conditions that apply to licensees in the area be applied to Bloom's liquor license.
5. Humber River:
Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail – Marianne Fenner reported that she received a letter from Jim Schaffner (Technical Services), stating that our concerns have been passed on to Bob Duguid of Parks and Recreation.
6. Humber Bay Treatment
Ron Braun reported that he and Frances Labelle spoke to an engineer about the capacity of the treatment plant in the context of increasing density in the area. They were informed that the plant can handle the needs of a population of 500,000, and that it is the transportation of effluent to the plant for treatment that can be problematic. Ron reported that a pumping upgrade was necessary for the Reon development.
7. Neighbourhood Issues:
a) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway – Continue to monitor. Upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Ron Braun and carried, Ron Braun was authorized to write a letter to Councillor Saundercook regarding illegal left turns at the south entrance of the station.
b) Community Council – Councillor Saundercook informed the meeting that the new name is the West District Council. It is temporarily located at the Etobicoke Civic Centre.
c) Traffic calming – Nothing to report. Continue to monitor.
d) Queensway Construction – Marianne Fenner reported that she was unsuccessful in determining the correct person to whom concerns should be addressed, since the construction is in Toronto but the signage is in Etobicoke. Councillor Saundercook offered his assistance and suggested that Marianne email the details to his office.
8. Other Organizations:
a) Community Police Liaison Committee –Merle Hudson reported that she attempted to get in touch with the Community Contact Officer for 11 Division, but has no information at this time. She
informed the meeting that she is willing to serve as SARA's representative, provided that it does not conflict with other Committee meeting dates or responsibilities.
b) High Park Citizens Advisory Committee – Merle Hudson reported that she requested meeting minutes of this organization but has not yet received them.
c) Swansea Historical Society – no report.
d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Swansea Memorial Library – No report. George Dubauskas will provide documentation to Councillor Saundercook to provide information regarding ongoing developments.
e) Swansea Public School – Marianne Fenner stated that she will contact the school in January regarding the cost of a plaque for the school’s Community Service award.
f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management – Bill Roberts informed the meeting that there was a successful tender, and that construction will begin in December. The issue of the coat racks was raised but will need to be broached again. Sunday's Antique Show raised $2500, which will be donated to the building fund.
g) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park – Merle Hudson reported that the Octoberfest Dance raised $1600. There will be a New Year's celebration with skating and refreshments. Hours of operation of the Rec. Centre have been cut, and there is a concern that continued lessening of funds may force the closure of the Special Needs program.
h) Confederation of Resident & Ratepayer Associations (CORRA) – Bill Roberts reported that there will be a meeting with Paul Bain regarding the Toronto Official Plan.
i) World 19 –Louis Gris reported that there is information on the World 19 website regarding the Reon development, tax assessment, etc.
j) Letter to the Mayor – Ritvars Bregzis informed the meeting that a letter dated December 1st was sent to Mayor Miller, and a copy to Councillor Saundercook. He also reported that letters have been sent to gather a list of problem areas and concerns.
9. Other Business:
a) Newsletter–will be mailed in January.
b) Website – John Meijer reported that the website is attracting increasing interest and is due for an update.
c) Marketing/Fundraising – Louis Gris reported that he contacted the Village Players to inform them that the March 4th performance would be suitable for a SARA fundraising event. Louis will acquire tickets and distribute to members of the Executive.
10. New
Sybil Wilkinson reported that there will be a tree planting ceremony at Swansea Public School in memory of Jamie Bell on Friday, December 19th.
11. Executive
President: Bill Roberts nominated Louis Gris for SARA President. The nomination was accepted by Louis, seconded by George Dubauskas, and unanimously carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Nick Singh, and carried, it was agreed that the appointment of first and second Vice President be deferred until the next meeting.
12. Next
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20th, 2004 at 7:30 p.m Upon a motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by George Dubauskas and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.