Development Appeal Fund 2461 Bloor St W

Hey there! We’re rallying together to save Bloor West Village from a major development at 2461 Bloor (east of the ESSO station) that could drastically change our beloved neighborhood and threaten local jobs. Every donation, no matter how small, will help us secure professional representation at the Ontario Land Tribunal and keep our village vibrant and friendly—please consider clicking the link below to contribute or share it with others who care. Thank you for your support!
Annual General Meeting
SARA Fundraiser
2022 Municipal Election Debate

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4312732474?pwd=Yzk2dXNNclRwbFVrQXZzZm9SWkZHZz09
SARA 2020 AGM – Dec 9th
SARA held it’s 2020 Annual General Meeting virtually on Zoom on December 9, 2021 at 7:30pm.
We conducted the business of the association – with the Executive giving their reports – followed by updates on the expanded housing initiatives proposed by the City on Laneway Suites, Garden Suites, the possible impact, and their relation to the Official Plan.
We then held election for Officers and elected the following persons to the Executive of 2021/22. Veronica Wynne, President; Nick Singh, Secretary; John Meijer, Treasurer; Janice Kaldor and Sybil Wilkinson, Vice Presidents; Sabrina McCluskey, William Roberts, Directors; John Meijer, Past-President and Membership Chair.
We moved to fill vacant Director positions throughout the year and are always looking for volunteers to get involved and help out!
Our Speaker for the evening was Chris Higgins, a Swansea resident and historian, who gave a fascinating talk about the history of Swansea through the lens of the Swansea Public School where he had taught for close to 20 years. All the while compiling a trove of historical material which he has put into his book ‘Brick by Brick: Swansea Public School 1890-2020’ (available on Amazon). Find out more at his dedicated webpage https://chrishigginswrites.com/brick-by-brick-blog/brick-by-brick-swansea-public-school-1890-2020.html
Thanks to Chris Higgins, and to all who attended, and please keep on supporting SARA!