Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Swansea Town Hall Community Centre,
95 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto
(East of Windermere, North off Morningside)
Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Swansea Town Hall Community Centre,
95 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto
(East of Windermere, North off Morningside)
Guest speaker: John Sewell,
Former Mayor of the City of Toronto

changing Toronto between 1969-1980 from his book,
‘How We Changed Toronto’
We welcome his thoughts and perspective from this period
as we work our way through changing times in
development direction in Toronto 2016.
(He will be available to sign copies of his book
before and after the meeting)
before and after the meeting)
Agenda Items
Agenda items will include:
*President’s Report *Development Updates *Election of Officers
*Planning Issues: DPS (Development Permit System), LAB (Local Appeal Bodies),
Mid Rise Guidelines
*Water Main Pipe Construction on the South Kingsway
Consider signing up as a member online at
Annual General Meeting