[ezcol_2third]1st Annual Sleep-Out raising awareness on homelessness! 800pm to 600am (that’s right, it’s all night – where our members will sleep outside in sleeping bags!) Friday November 7, 2014 (Front lawn of 11 Division, 2054 Davenport Rd.) Please Support The
Fundraiser at the Village Playhouse
[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]SARA & BWVRA FUNDRAISER NOV 2014 AT THE VILLAGE PLAYHOUSE SARA’s annual fundraiser will be held in conjunction with BWVRA on the preview night of the Village Playhouse production of “Strictly Murder”, on Thursday Nov 6, 2014 STRICTLY MURDER
Municipal Election Debates
SARA will be co-hosting separate election debates for both the Councilor’s and Mayor’s positions. Save the dates! The details are as follows… Councilor Candidates Debate – Tuesday, September 30, 7:30pm, Swansea Town Hall, Rousseau Room. Doors open at 7:00pm. Co-hosted
Aug 20 meeting on 2117 Bloor West
Main and Main Developments invites you to attend a preliminary consultation session for a proposed mixed-use mid-rise development located at: 2117 Bloor Street West and 19 Harcroft Road The meeting will take place on: Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 at 7:00pm–8:30pm
2265 Durie & Save Our Village Campaign
A new condo has been proposed for 2265 Bloor Street West through to 2279 Bloor Street West. This stretch of property is on the south side of Bloor starting at Durie Street (across from Queen’s Pasta) and stretching to the
Southport Plaza
SARA/SARG supported the South Kingsway Neighbourhood Community (SKNC) association in their unsuccessful opposition to this development at OMB. SKNC now participates in the site plan consultation process. Drilling is in process by the developer to ascertain any geo-technical issues. See
Heritage Conservation
View the Bloor West Village HCD (Heritage Conservation District) Nomination document here.