SARA [memb_year] Membership Form
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Individual ($15.00)
Senior (60+) ($12.00)
Family ($20.00)
Senior (60+) Family ($15.00)
Business/Organization ($30.00)
Donation (not tax deductible)   
Media Relations
Web Content
Community Chair
Community Liaison
Board of Directors
Special Events
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Using only numbers, what is 10 plus 15?

* (no PayPal account required)

Pay above with Paypal, or fill-in form, and mail it along with a cheque to “Swansea Area Ratepayers”.

NOTE: The Membership year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31 of the year.

If you have any questions about joining SARA or any other membership concerns, please contact

Nick Singh
Membership Chair
Swansea Area Ratepayers Association
Box 103, 95 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto ON M6S 3H9
Telephone: (416) 769-1891